"Music is everywhere and all we have to do is to listen" ~August Rush~
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
***************************** Grammy Song Of the Year 1970 *****************************
"Games People Play" is a 1968 song written, composed and performed by singer/song-writer Joe South. The lyrics and title are thought to be a direct reference to Dr. Eric Berne's work on transactional analysis of the same name. The book, which was released in 1964, deals with the "games" human beings play in interacting with one another.The song closely resembles an older song, the traditional Cajun "'Tit Galop Pour Mamou", which was played by the Balfa Brothers among others, and is on the Balfas' Play Traditional Cajun Music. After South's hit got around, Nathan Abshire (accordionist with the Balfas and others), recorded a version in French, with singing by Don Guillory, on his album A Cajun Legend. A new Cajun version, introduced by a partial recounting of the genealogy of the versions, is at under the heading Robert Jardell.
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